ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditorExtender issue when in modal popup in IE 7

Over again, supporting IE7 is a nightmare. Today I have been assigned to a defect says “When user enters long text and words in text editor in modal popup using IE7, the whole page/window horizontal scroll bar appeared and get wider as the user typing”. I used AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditorExtender to provide simple formatting… Continue reading ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditorExtender issue when in modal popup in IE 7


Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack issue in IE 7 when nested GridViews used

As the page’s content becomes bigger and bigger like the one I am working on currently, specific features are more critical than others. In such case we may need to apply performance and user experience techniques such as content lazy loading, partial content updating, and maintain page’s scroll position cross requests, and more … I… Continue reading Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack issue in IE 7 when nested GridViews used